Sunday, 7 May 2017


Most Honourable Lords and Ladies,

In Uganda, of the ten pupils who start Primary One(especially in UPE schools), only 3 complete Primary Seven. Of the 3 pupils who finish Primary Seven, two lack basic literacy and numeracy skills. The Government of Uganda spends on average 7000 shillings per annum per pupil as their school dues. This is not anywhere comparable with the hundreds of thousands private schools charge for the same service.

If we went by the recent population figures, it is evident that girls are the biggest victims of the school drop out cycle.

What happens to the dropouts? What becomes of their lives? What happens to the two who can't read, write or do a basic algebra question? And then, how do these figures concern you and I who sailed through the education system unscathed and are possibly fast climbing the career ladder?

What goes through the minds of these dropouts as they watch you change cars, shoes and order for tailor-made fitting suits while affording everything life has to offer as they scrap a living from their lot in life?

Most Honourable Lords and Ladies, today I speak from Jericho Highway. Too many of our fellow countrymen and women are injured and are helpless, looking for a kind hand that will grant them relief. The scribes pass by for they are too busy negotiating for better cars, privileges and security for themselves. The Pharisees too, have turned the misery of these hurting people to business opportunities. Yet our census shows that the Samaritans we depend on come from too far in the names of UNICEF, World Bank, WFP or some other multinational agency. The claim is our local Samaritans are too busy, too poor or too indifferent to help.

So why are you privileged?

If you are a male, our society bestows upon you the benefits of Patriachy. The call you have therefore is to be an Ambassador for equal opportunities across the board. In so doing, you will expand access for many a girl for many opportunities, education inclusive

If you are a female/ lady who has blazed through the education and career cycle, you are among the lucky few. Majority of your contemporaries were married off young and possibly in an abusive marriage with no chance at a better life whatsoever. As a good Samaritan, it is you that they are waiting for to use your God given abilities and privileges to expand opportunities for them to benefit.

To you the Professional and entrepreneur, no matter the area of expertise, how will you use that privilege to create and expand opportunities for the less privileged?
To whom much is given, much will be required and expected. I agree that the government has full responsibility for this state of affairs and moreso, in the solution.
But just like thousands of years ago, Caesar's officials were not available for a solution on Jericho Highway and this did not stop the Good Samaritan from using his privilege to make a difference when there was need.

I therefore, urge you to use your privileges in this life to make a difference in the lives of others who might be less privileged. We all stand to gain if we do this
Would-be criminals would have opportunity to be agents for societal transformation. A society where everybody participates in its transformation will always be better than one in which a privileged few do so

Use your privilege to make a difference

I thank you

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